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Spring Forward

Hi BP Families,

We hope you had a wonderful break, had time to relax and be together. Can you believe April is upon us? Only about 8 weeks left in the school year! It will be a busy and exciting time for personal growth.

We will ease back into our work this week by finding comfort in routine. As usual we will be offering 4 great workshops and two seminars each day. We will have time with our Build groups for one on one conferring. Students will have a bit over an hour of work time each day to work towards and meet goals. Using this time wisely is always critical to the pace of project work.

We are so excited about the leveling up of thinking and learning we are experiencing with students right now.

To reconnect and help students get back into school mode, you may want to consider the following conversation starters:

What was the most interesting thing you read about today? Tell me more....

What genre did you pick for your next writing product?

Have you determined who could be an expert in your field of study and can I help you find one?

Please let us know if you have any questions as we finish strong in Blueprint.

Thank you and see you soon!

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