Reflection and Self-Discovery

Dear families,
As we bring our first semester of Blueprint to a close, we want to take a moment to appreciate our journey so far and progress your students continue to make.
Over the last several weeks, students have spent many hours working through the evaluation process and reflecting on their work to achieve the lofty and diverse goals they set for themselves in their first project. Students were asked to critically examine and analyze relevant content and work through a process that not only required them to think at a higher level but also design a real solution, manage their time and goals, take feedback and make revisions, and make connections with experts in their field of study. For many of our students, this work was rigorous and new, with opportunities to explore original ideas and extend their learning outside the walls at Sage Canyon. It isn’t always easy, but it is important to their growth as a student and person.
We talk often with our students, that their work isn’t just about a product but more importantly, about the process in which they approach their learning. It’s about keeping an open-mind, utilizing small steps to achieve their goals, remaining flexible and curious, trusting us and each other to help them make their ideas come to life and refine their skills through this process. It’s about using feedback to guide continual learning and reflecting on their practice to work towards mastering new skills.
“When we encourage students to build the habit of remaining open to continuous learning, we are getting them ready for not just the next assignment, but also for success in life!” (from Allison Zmuda - Learning Personalized).
One of the things we are most proud of our Blueprinters for, is their drive to constantly improve. We see this as they reflect on their progress each day, explore unknown content, seek support and suggest seminars, and build deeper, more meticulous and challenging goals. They have become conscious of their abilities and attack their objectives with fervor and commitment. They know the work that they are doing matters, as they grow to be more empathetic while pursuing their curiosities, practice critical skills, and design with ingenuity.
We remain humble for this opportunity and the privilege of guiding your students through this process. We are grateful to you for your support and are honored to witness your children as they shape their futures.
The Blueprint Team