Pivot the Process!

Hi families,
It's been a very rigorous week in Blueprint! We focused on Pivoting the Process and centered our learning on Process vs. Product. This week, students began to plan for their major project goals using their Blueprint Snapshots. Snapshots provide a road map for students' big picture goals, which include both higher level and basic skills learning goals. We believe in slowing down through this planning process so that students can truly evaluate their needs as they plan a rewarding, in-depth project. This was a pivot for many of our kiddos, as they are so used to focusing on the product rather than the opportunity for growth along the way. We will continue to provide small group instruction and mentorship through one-on-one conferences so that they feel confident and excited about the journey ahead!
Students participated in seminars that asked them to be particularly attentive and meticulous in choosing goals that will help shape what we will believe will ultimately turn into original and meaningful products. This is new thinking and new planning for our kids, as much of the work we are asking them to do this week, has typically been done by their teachers in the past and handed to them at the start of a project. The Blueprint philosophy however, engages students in this process so that they can personalize their goals and individualize outcomes. Our focus on growth mindset, resilience, and perseverance during Foundations has certainly come in handy this week.
We are so proud of our students for their flexibility in their ideas and patience as they continue to work to build a solid and meaningful foundation for their research and designs. So many kids, at some point this week, felt the frustration of ambiguity and demands of higher level thinking, but continued to push through this challenge, seek help, and make important revisions to their goals and process. We will continue to conference with students to refine this process and plan goals that meet their needs, challenge their thinking, and connect with their hearts and minds. We encourage you to speak to your kiddo about their Snapshot. While still a work in progress, please ask your kiddo to share their outcome, 4C, modern learning, writing, and research goal! We believe that this is an extraordinary opportunity to build school to home connections and a powerful partnership as they begin delving into the work to achieve their goals.

We are continually grateful for your support, honored to be surrounded by your children each day, and humbled by your empathy.
The Blueprint Team