Pivot the Can't

We can't believe that we are already upon our second weekend with our Blueprint group. Day by day they are revealing their unbelievable potential. They tapped into it this week by focusing on how to pivot the can't. The first step to their mind shift was changing their phrasing from "I can't" to "I choose not to." The thinking here is that the ownership shifts onto yourself, meaning that you have the power to change the obstacle before you.
The heart of our seminars this week have been based on foundational skills that will serve them in school as well as in life beyond Blueprint.
Here are some of the topics your students engaged in:
Metacognition: Thinking About Thinking.
Outcome: I will be able to be self-aware of my own thoughts.
The Tyranny of Now vs. The Power of Yet.
Outcome: I will be able to be all-powerful in the face adversity.
Positive Thinking.
Outcome:I will be be able to pivot my thinking from a negative zone to a positive zone.
Slice of Life.
Outcome: I will be able to be awesome because I will learn how to use a mentor text to write a short piece. Kind of like “Stealing like an artist”.
Speak Up!
Outcome: I will be able to be an effective member of a collaborative conversation.
On Thursday, Bricks kicked into gear. We recognize that there may be skills that do not naturally come up through seminars. Therefore, this is a time for skill refinement in literacy, humanities, math, and science.
Monday, our 6th grade Blueprinters will set off on the adventure that is Outdoor Ed. We are so excited to hear about their experiences when they return. Please keep an eye out for an email from Ms. Vaughan with final reminders.