marine/author/inspirational speaker
Justin Constantine retired from the Marine Corps at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He is now an inspirational speaker and veteran advocate. He speaks at numerous corporate, educational and military institutions about leadership, the upside of change, teamwork and overcoming adversity. Justin is also a Senior Advisor at the US Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Hiring Our Heroes program focusing on veteran employment. And as a consultant with Military.com, Justin assists corporations with all aspects of their veteran hiring initiatives.
Justin deployed to Iraq in 2006, serving as a Civil Affairs Team Leader while attached to an infantry battalion. While on a routine combat patrol, Justin was shot in the head by a sniper. Although the original prognosis was that he had been killed in action, Justin survived thanks to risks taken by his fellow Marines and a courageous Navy Corpsman. For his service in Iraq, he earned the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon and Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal.
After recovering from his injuries in 2007, Justin worked at the U.S. Department of Justice and then as Counsel for the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. In 2011 the Secretary of Defense appointed him to a four-year term on the Task Force for Recovering Warriors. Justin also worked for several years with the FBI as an attorney on a counterterrorism team. He now sits on the Board of Directors of a number of national nonprofit organizations, and co-founded his own in 2015.

My beautiful wife and I.

The Long Road Home offers incredibly graphic insight into a sliver of time and space in Iraq that everyone in America should read. Hear more of my thoughts on this book in my latest blog post: http://ow.ly/64JB30i8LOp #Veterans #ThursdayThoughts

We really need to change the common view that those of us with disabilities are deficient or broken - I heard some amazing stories of achievement and contribution. Plus seeing my friend Gregory D. Gadson also being honored was a real treat - talk about a role model!

Don't stand in the way of your own success. - Nancy Sharp

Successful leadership doesn't come without training. Overcome challenges with lessons from the front lines http://

#Leadership & the Importance of Building Resiliency. Read my blog to learn how to build resiliency

A pretty good week! I spent some time with some amazing groups! Keep up the great work supporting our #veterans and #military spouses. @HopeWarriors @PsychArmor

"Never, never, never give up."